Eurovision 2024: Reviews (Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal & San Marino)

23 April 2024 at 6:16 PM

By Reza Mafi

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Welcome back to our reviews of the Eurovision 2024 songs! Today we will continue with the following 6 countries: Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal & San Marino. Enjoy!

MOLDOVA: Natalia Barbu – “In The Middle”

Raul: When I first heard Natalia’s song I was like: this has something good and catchy for Eurovision. I was obsessed with this song until the first round of their NF. Idk what to say about this song anymore. I am just very curious about the staging and how it will be filmed.

(Rating: 7/10)

Reza: Moldova is usually sending amazing songs to Eurovision but unfortunately, this year it’s not the case. “In The Middle” is an outdated and uninteresting entry that doesn’t have any factor to grab the viewer’s attention. Natalia delivers a good vocal performance but it will not be enough to qualify.

(Rating: 3/10)

Robert: Natalia is a queen and she deserved to represent Moldova this year. The song is a bit unmemorable but she can change that by pulling an impressive show.

(Rating: 8/10)

Ionut: Moldova had a song in the selection that could be very high with a good show. Unfortunately, Natalia’s song is ok and that’s it.

(Rating: 5.5/10)

Average: 5.88/10

NETHERLANDS: Joost Klein – “Europapa”

Raul: The same hype as we’ve seen last year with Kaarija. It’s a good song but I find it so overrated. Cannot wait to see the staging.

(Rating: 7/10)

Reza: Joost is simply an icon. He is extremely clever and he knows what he is doing with Europapa. I love his vibe and the hype he has for Eurovision and how much he wants to do well. I really like Europapa, it’s such a fun and good-feel entry that will never leave you indifferent. He can perform, he will own that stage and I wouldn’t mind to see him winning!

(Rating: 10/10)

Robert: TECHNO king! A potential winner song after it gained so much momentum!

(Rating: 10/10)

Ionut: The song is exactly what we expected to hear in Eurovision. Even if it’s not my taste, it’s an out-of-the-box song that will have a good ranking.

(Rating: 5.5/10)

Average: 8.13/10

NORWAY: GΓ₯te – “Ulveham”

Raul: I want more lyrics because I feel that this entry is way too empty. However, I really like the staging in MGP.

(Rating: 6/10)

Reza: I have such a love-hate relationship with this entry. I really liked it when I first heard it but then it kind of grew off on me. I don’t like her voice at all, it’s just not pleasant for me. However, I love their staging and how they tell the story of “Ulveham”. As per usual, Norway will probably flop in the juries and do well in the televote.

(Rating: 6.5/10)

Robert: Personally, I am not a fan of this song but objectively, I cannot deny the quality of this song and how great GΓ₯te are!

(Rating: 9/10)

Ionut: I may be a hater, but I really don’t think that this song is as good as it is being said to be. The verses are pretty weak, the only good thing is the melodic line in the chorus.

(Rating: 3/10)

Average: 6.13/10

POLAND: Luna – “The Tower”

Raul: Justice for Justyna, that’s all I want to say! Kidding… The song is good but it will be a border qualifer at best. I am curious to see the staging but ’cause I have my concerns that it’s going to be hard to deliver a good staging for this entry. The song is not my cup of tea.

(Rating: 7/10)

Reza: I always prefered “The Tower” over “Witcher” so I am pretty happy that she got to represent Poland. But I am going to be honest, I think that Justyna would have worked better for the Eurovision stage. But Luna has a very pleasant and radio friendly song that could get some support from the juries with the right staging.

(Rating: 8.5/10)

Robert: I am simply not a fan of this one.

(Rating: 6/10)

Ionut: Luna’s song is much bettert than Blanka’s but unfortunately, Luna is not as charismatic as Blanka. I don’t think that we will see Poland in the final this year.

(Rating: 6/10)

Average: 6.88/10

PORTUGAL: iolanda – “Grito”

Raul: We need this type of ballad this year! I love how Portugal always comes with something speical, good job! Iolanda’s song is pure art, it calms me, it’s someting I cannot describe.

(Rating: 8/10)

Reza: She is a VOCALIST. I really like this entry! I wish it was a bit more dynamic so she could maybe appeal to more people but I really hope that Europe will appreciate this piece of art.

(Rating: 8/10)

Robert: I literally cried when I heard it for the first time. I hope she will finish as high as possible.

(Rating: 10/10)

Ionut: Portuguese music always has something special. It is always different than everything we hear in this contest, so it will be good for them because they will stand out.

(Rating: 5/10)

Average: 7.75/10

SAN MARINO: Megara – “11:11”

Raul: Meh! This song is not my cup of tea. Welcome, Violetta, oh sorry… Megara.

(Rating: 5/10)

Reza: Well it’s one of my guilty pleasures this year! After falling in love with “Se quien soy” by Angy, I think I might have a soft spot for spanish rock?! So Megara is no exception. I wish their song could get a revamp because there is a lot of potential and good elements here but the overall product is not polished enough. I am excited to see them live! I know they will rock that stage.

(Rating: 6.5/10)

Robert: I actually like it. It’s a bit odd to see San Marino sending a spanish song tho.

(Rating: 6.5/10)

Ionut: Simply not my taste.

(Rating: 3/10)

Average: 5.25/10

Our scoreboard after 30 reviewed songs:

  1. GREECE – 9.88**
  2. AUSTRIA – 9.88**
  3. ITALY – 9.50
  4. GEORGIA – 9.38
  5. FRANCE – 9.25
  6. CROATIA – 8.25*
  7. BELGIUM – 8.25*
  8. LUXEMBOURG – 8.25*
  9. CYPRUS – 8.25*
  10. NETHERLANDS – 8.13*
  11. LITHUANIA – 8.13*
  12. DENMARK – 7.88
  13. PORTUGAL – 7.75*
  14. MALTA – 7.75*
  15. GERMANY – 7.38*
  16. AZERBAIJAN – 7.38*
  17. ARMENIA – 7.25
  18. POLAND – 6.88
  19. LATVIA – 6.38
  20. AUSTRALIA – 6.25
  21. NORWAY – 6.13*
  22. ALBANIA – 6.13*
  23. MOLDOVA – 5.88
  24. ESTONIA – 5.50
  25. ISRAEL – 5.33
  26. SAN MARINO – 5.25
  27. CZECHIA – 5.00
  28. FINLAND – 4.63
  29. IRELAND – 4.38
  30. ICELAND – 4.25

Tiebreak winners are indicated with an asterisk (*). The act who has received the most 10s wins the tiebreak (then 9.5s, 9s, etc.).

** In our combined scoreboard, Greece has 27p while Austria has 24p.

Category: πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Malmo 2024

Reza Mafi

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