EURO ALFA Panel: Annabelle Lights Up ‘Tänavad’ for Estonia 🇪🇪

22 October 2024 at 6:04 PM

By Reza Mafi

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The EuroAlfa Panel — a group of six Eurovision-loving bloggers — is here to review and rate this year’s Junior Eurovision songs. We’re not professionals, but our passion for Eurovision and music drives us to share our honest opinions. We’ll be rating each song on a scale from 1⭐ to 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, with 1 representing a tune that didn’t quite hit the mark, and 5 reserved for those that truly shine! Next up, we take a closer look and see if Estonia’s “Tänavad” 🇪🇪 by ANABELLE impressed our panel!

Antonio: One of the songs that stuck with me since the day it come off, the instrumental its giving early 2016s vibes which makes the song vibrant and being in Estonian is a plus, probably my top 2 of
this year!! (5⭐)

Florin: Really great surprise from Estonia! They set the bar high last year and raised it even higher this year. A total bop! I really hope they get a high placement. (4⭐)

Laur: It’s a decent song but it feels a bit too childish for my personal taste. (3.5⭐)

Reza: I appreciate the effort, and I believe Estonia wants to do well in Junior Eurovision, as this year’s entry and overall package are significantly better than what they delivered last year. Even though it’s a pleasant song, I just cannot connect with it at all, nor can I enjoy it to its full potential. On a positive note, I like the fact that Annabelle enjoys herself and seems happy performing this song. (2⭐)

Raul: It’s a good song but not enough for me, I don’t see the hype among the eurofans. I am very curious how they will take this on the stage, cause I don’t have anything in my mind when I hear the song (3.5⭐)

Stefania: Pleasant but not overly remarkable. (3⭐)

EuroAlfa’s Panel Results:

  1. Estonia 🇪🇪 (3.5⭐)*
  2. Italy 🇮🇹 (3.5⭐)

* Estonia’s 🇪🇪 highest score was a 5⭐, Italy’s 🇮🇹 highest score was a 4.5⭐

Here you can listen to Estonia’s entry, “Tänavad” by ANABELLE:

Category: 🇪🇸 Madrid 2024

Reza Mafi

Head of Blog