EURO ALFA Panel: Poland’s Dominik Arim Inspires Unity with the Powerful Ballad ‘All Together’ 🇵🇱

27 October 2024 at 3:48 PM

By Reza Mafi

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The EuroAlfa Panel — a group of six Eurovision-loving bloggers — is here to review and rate this year’s Junior Eurovision songs. We’re not professionals, but our passion for Eurovision and music drives us to share our honest opinions. We’ll be rating each song on a scale from 1⭐ to 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, with 1 representing a tune that didn’t quite hit the mark, and 5 reserved for those that truly shine! Next up, we take a closer look and see if Poland’s 🇵🇱 “All Together” by Dominik Arim impressed our panel!

Antonio: A really cute ballad, let’s hope the live version will deliver some notes! (4⭐)

Florin: Once again, the song is okay for a children’s contest, but I know Poland can do so much more in JESC. This is a bit of a letdown for me. (2⭐)

Laur: This song is a bit boring and repetitive. I expected more from Poland (2⭐)

Reza: I really enjoyed the live version; it had a powerful emotional impact, and the catchy refrain was incredibly engaging to me. Unfortunately, the revamped version doesn’t resonate with me in the same way. It feels somewhat dull and outdated, lacking the spark that made the original so memorable. (2.5⭐)

Raul: His vocals are good, but the song is a letdown for me. From songs like Superhero and Somebody sending this is a bit disappointing. On a positive note, I am excited to see the live performance. (2⭐)

Stefania: Poland’s song has emotional depth with powerful vocals, giving it a shot at the top. (4⭐)

EuroAlfa’s Panel Results:

  1. North Macedonia 🇲🇰 (4.3⭐)
  2. Cyprus 🇨🇾 (3.9⭐)
  3. Estonia 🇪🇪 (3.5⭐)*
  4. Italy 🇮🇹 (3.5⭐)
  5. Albania 🇦🇱 (2.9⭐)
  6. Poland 🇵🇱 (2.75⭐)

* Estonia’s 🇪🇪 highest score was a 5⭐, Italy’s 🇮🇹 highest score was a 4.5⭐

Here you can listen to Poland’s entry, “All Together” by Dominik Arim:

Category: 🇪🇸 Madrid 2024

Reza Mafi

Head of Blog