Dora 2024: Review

25 February 2024 at 10:52 AM

By Reza Mafi

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Today is Croatia’s turn to pick their contestant. Last year, the country qualified for the first time in the grand final since 2017. Dora 2024 is the selection process to pick the lucky artist who will get the honor to represent the country in Malmö. The outcome of the final will be determined by a balanced blend of public votes and evaluations from a jury comprising four national panels – Osijek, Rijeka, Split, and Zagreb – alongside four international panels – Germany, Iceland, Italy, and Ukraine. Each regional and international jury will consist of three music industry professionals. Both viewers and juries will allocate a total of 232 points. Following the Eurovision Song Contest format, each jury group will assign points in the range of 1 to 8, along with 10 and 12 points. The viewer vote will be determined by the proportion of votes garnered by each song through telephone and SMS voting

Our team reviewed the Dora finalists and here is our TOP 5:

5. Eugen “Tišine”

Raul: 7/10

Reza: 7/10

Robert: 7/10

Ionut: 8/10

Total: 29/40

4. Vinko “Lying Eyes”

Raul: 7/10

Reza: 7/10

Robert: 8/10

Ionut: 9/10

Total: 31/40

3. Natalie Balmix“Dijamanti”

Raul: 6/10

Reza: 8/10

Robert: 9/10

Ionut: 9/10

Total: 32/40

2. Marcela “Gasoline”

Raul: 7/10

Reza: 8.5/10

Robert: 9/10

Ionut: 9/10

Total: 33.5/40

1. Baby Lasagna “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”

Raul: 10/10

Reza: 10/10

Robert: 10/10

Ionut: 5/10

Total: 35/40

The remaining acts were rated as following:

  1. Damir Kedžo – “Voljena ženo” (28/40)
  2. Alen Đuras – “A Tamburitza Lullaby” (24/40)
  3. Vatra – “Slatke suze, gorka ljubav” (23/40)
  4. Boris Štok – “Can We Talk” (20/40)
  5. Saša Lozar – “Ne plačem zbog nje” (20/40)
  6. Lana Mandarić – “More” (20/40)
  7. Stefany Žužić – “Sretnih dana dat’ će Bog” (19/40)
  8. Let 3 – “Babaroga” (14/40)
  9. Lara Demarin – “Ne vjerujem ti” (12/40)
  10. Pavel – “Do Mjeseca” (8/40)
  11. Mario Battifiaca feat. Robert Ferlin – “Vodu piti trizan biti” (6/40)

That’s all for this time! As you can see, Baby Lasagna is our favourite to win Dora 2024! But will he be able to win it all and represent Croatia? We will find out that together later today!

Category: 🇸🇪 Malmo 2024

Reza Mafi

Head of Blog