Benidorm Fest: Second Semi-final

1 February 2024 at 7:05 PM

By Raul Jac

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Tonight 8 songs are going to compete in the second semi-final of Benidorm Fest, where 4 of them are going to advance in the final.

Euro Alfa team has been according points to each songs competing tonight! We use a set of points (1,2,3,4,6,8,10 and 12) and we should give only one time each point from the set!

So here is the line-up for tonight!

1.María Peláe – “Remitente

Raul: when I listen to the song, my mind is going to azucar moreno, she gives me the same vibe – 10p

Ionut: 8p

Reza: Well I appreciate this one more than Blanca last year but it’s still not one of my favourites in this semifinal. – 1p

Robert: 10p

Total: 29p

2.Dellacruz – “Beso en la mañana

Raul: 4p

Ionut: 4p

Reza: I love this one. Such a great polished pop latino song. – 6p

Robert: 8p

Total: 22p

3.Marlena – “Amor de verano

Raul: I have this song on my playlist, the song is very catchy – 8p

Ionut: 6p

Reza: I love this one. Such a great polished pop latino song. – 8p

Robert: 3p

Total: 25p

4.St. Pedro – “Dos Extraños (Cuarteto de Cuerda)

Raul: If I had kids, they’ll sleep very well on this song – 3p

Ionut: 3p

Reza: Just a masterpiece, really. Love the instrumental and the message of the song. This one is not for everyone but I am in love with it. – 12p

Robert: 1p

Total: 19p

5.Jorge González – “Caliente

Raul: DID ANYONE SAID CALIENTE???? Cause that song is defenetly MY FAVOURITE from Benidorm Fest – 12p

Ionut: 12p

Reza: Such a fun song but it’s way too cliche and sometimes cringe to enjoy it properly. – 3p

Robert: 12p

Total: 38p

6.Yoly Saa – “No se me olvida

Raul: 2p

Ionut: 2p

Reza: This one is cute but it doesn’t stand out as much as the other ones. – 1p

Robert: 2p

Total: 7p

7.Roger Padrós – “El temps

Raul: 1p

Ionut: 2p

Reza: Another spanish ballad and I am a sucker for them. – 4p

Robert: 4p

Total: 11p

8.Almácor – “Brillos platino

Raul: very good song, I am waiting for the staging – 6p

Ionut: 10p

Reza: Such an urbano bop. If he comes with a great staging and live performance, he can totally win this edition of Benidorm. – 10p

Robert: 6p

Total: 32p

Full ranking of Euro Alfa:

  1. Jorge Gonzalez – CALIENTE: 39p
  2. Almácor – BRILLOS PLATINO: 32p
  3. María Peláe – REMITENTE: 29p
  4. Marlena – AMOR DE VERANO: 25p
  5. Dellacruz – BESO EN LA MANANA : 22p
  7. Roger Padrós – EL TEMPS: 11p
  8. Yoly Saa – NO SE ME OLVIDA: 7p

After a strong semi-final we are looking forward to see who will qualify tonight for the 4 left spots of the Final of Benidorm Fest 2024. Our team decided that 4 qualifiers should be: Jorge GonzalezAlmácorMaría Peláe and Marlena.

You can watch Benidorm Fest here:

Category: 🇸🇪 Malmo 2024

Raul Jac

Head of Social Media & Founder of Euro Alfa